Over 12,000 officers at Over 50 Agencies speaking with One Voice
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Speaking for those that serve Arizona...

The Arizona Police Association (APA) is “an association of associations.” The APA represents a group law enforcement employee groups. 

Through the combined effort and strengths of our member organizations, the APA is able to provide, at a very low cost, one large, amplified, law enforcement “voice” within our community. The main function of this “voice” is to effectively communicate with and lobby the state legislature, our federal representatives, and when needed, local city and town councils, board of supervisors and individual employers. This communication and lobbying is focused upon the issues affecting the working law enforcement officer, whether these issues concern retirement benefits, adequate pay, adequate equipment, due process rights, effective law enforcement legislation, or the ability of law enforcement officers to be treated fairly. Additionally, when circumstances warrant it, the APA will utilize its “voice” to publicly address issues that are of concern to our individual member groups or the organization as a whole. Publicly addressing these issues can come in the form of joint press conferences, press releases, public appearances and public education.

 We are an organization of local law enforcement officers helping local law enforcement officers.

With your help, we can make a difference.

Political Activities

One of the most important goals of the Arizona Police Association is to protect the interest of Arizona Law Enforcement, Corrections, Detention, and Probation Officers at the State, Local, and National level. One way we do this is by supporting and endorsing candidates  that we feel will help us meet those goals. If you are a candidate or represent a campaign that you feel has issues in common or certain synergies with the APA and our stated goals then we’d like to hear from you.


Arizona Law Enforcement Representation

Why choose
the APA?

  • Representation Locally 100% 100%
  • Legal Coverage 95% 95%
  • Benefits 75% 75%




Over 140 years of service to Arizona...

Arizona has a long and storied history of law enforcement dating back to the 1800’s and culminating in today’s modern police forces at the state, county and local levels. As long as these extraordinary men and women serve Arizona, we will be here to serve them.

Providing a voice and support
FOR members of law enforcement and their families




2023 Legislative Agenda

One of the primary objectives and purpose of the Arizona Police Association is to protect the interest of Arizona Law Enforcement, Corrections, Detention, and Probation Officers in the legislative process on the State, Local, and National level. The Arizona State Legislature began its 56th session on January 11, 2022. There were over 1700 bills introduced, the most in history. Here are some of the law-enforcement-related bills that have been introduced and are being monitored by the Arizona Police Association (APA) and our lobbyist, Tassinari Terrazas LLC.

A Memorial to pay tribute...

Anyone who has the opportunity to visit Wesley Bolin Plaza in the state Capitol Mall should stop by a profound memorial that honors the men and women of law enforcement who have given their lives in the line of duty.

The Police Officers Memorial is a beautifully rendered statue of a lawman standing with his head bowed in reverence for those who fell serving this state.

The man who stood as the model for that memorial was himself a law enforcement officer. Gordon Selby was a Phoenix Police detective and later became the assistant chief of the criminal division of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, retiring in 1977.

Gordon Selby passed away on January 6, 2014 at the age of 91. He leaves behind a loving family and many friends who will miss him. And for those of us in the law enforcement community, we extend our thanks to Gordon for his service, and for being such a vital part of a memorial that honors those who paid the ultimate price to make our community safer.

I hope you will stop by the Police Officers Memorial and offer some thoughts of gratitude for Gordon Selby and all those whose legacy and sacrifice are commemorated there.

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